How Dokeos Complies with 21 CFR Part 11

FDA compliance

21 CFR Part 11 establishes electronic record-keeping regulations for food-processing and pharmaceutical industries. The provisions fall under the Food and Drug Administration under the organization’s Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations. The best way to ensure compliance is via a SaaS platform that follows the regulations to a T, therefore ensuring your company is within […]

Boosting Productivity: Integrating LMS with HR Workflows

training with an LMS

Boosting productivity should be at the core of every HR corporate resolution plan. Employees who are productive and maximize their time on the clock impact the company’s bottom line, directly or indirectly. LMS as part of a broader digital adoption initiative can be a significant game-changer in positively changing employee attitudes, confidence, and productivity. Learn […]

Regulatory Compliance Made Simple with Digital Learning

Regulatory compliance training with Dokeos LMS

The online corporate compliance training market is estimated to reach US$14.1 billion by 2029, according to Globenewswire. Regulatory compliance exists in most industries in one form or another. While regulations can be a headache to follow, they exist to ensure data integrity, staff wellness, and customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, it isn’t always efficient from a time […]

How to Improve the Employee Experience with Digital Learning

Only 13% of employees are fully satisfied with their experience, according to a comprehensive survey by Gartner. How can you improve motivation and desire in your workforce? Happy employees are often productive employees. This is why a strong employee experience is essential for consistent productivity and keeping sudden turnovers to a minimum. Here are ways […]