your financing

Thanks to Dokeos LMS, administrative processes for training organisations are automated to speed up training funding with OPCOs

Export all your
legal documents

Dokeos is associated with Dendreo, a specialised management software for training organisations, to manage all administrative, legal and quality aspects of your training courses. Automatically generate your certificates, attendance lists or your educational and financial reports.

OPCO and Qualiopi
compliant reports

Individual OPCO reports can be downloaded from your portal. They allow you to justify your e-learning training activities. Thanks to Dokeos LMS, your administrative processes are simplified and automated to comply with OPCO regulations or as part of a Qualiopi certification request.

Electronic signature

We have designed a feature that allows you to offer all your interlocutors (prospects, customers, trainers, participants, etc.) the possibility to sign documents digitally (or “electronically”). This feature will save you even more time in your administrative management and follow-up of contractual documents.

Hundreds of training organisations fund their training activities with Dokeos LMS