FCPA: Building an Anti-Corruption Compliance Course with your LMS

This Sunday, April 14 in 2013, Frederic Pierruci did not suspect anything. Alstom’s top executive had just landed at JF Kennedy Airport. Five FBI police were waiting for him just outside the plane. The same evening, he was imprisoned. His ordeal lasted two years. Why ? Because his firm, Alstom, was targeted by the US […]

AML Compliance Training: How to Effectively Train Your Employees with Dokeos LMS

The soon to be implemented “Enablers Act”, proposed shortly after the famous Pandora Papers were published in 2020, was passed at the House of Representatives in July.  Reinforcing AML (Anti-money laundering), it will require trust companies, art dealers, lawyers to vet clients and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. Anti-money laundering (AML) practices are […]

The Top 10 Benefits of Using LMS Software

Some call it the Great Resignation, the Great Attrition or the Big Quit. It is happening right now in Western countries, especially in the United States. In June, more than 4 million people in the US quit their jobs and around 11 million jobs are vacant. Employers now face big challenges to halt an enormous […]

Why E-Learning is the Perfect Fit for the Manufacturing Industry

US manufacturing is expected to have 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030, according to a survey by Deloitte and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). The impact would be dreadful for the US economy, estimated around more than US$1 trillion by 2030. So finding qualified talents is harder than it’s been. While training may initially seem […]